Mission and objectives:
Grupo Tatoma's mission is to create and promote a range of goods, services and values capable of ensuring the ongoing strengthening of the company, to the satisfaction and benefit of all stakeholders that comprise it and the community in general.
The general objectives of the company are:
· Full customer satisfaction.
· Personal and professional development of its employees.
· Creating wealth in society.
· Leadership in the Spanish market.
· Important presence in the international market.
In the community:
Over the past 40 years, Grupo Tatoma has worked closely with various associations in the community, especially in Monzón, Huesca, such as:
· Cáritas
· Education Centres
· Sports Associations
· Cultural Entities
With employees:
Grupo Tatoma respects and considers the needs and concerns of their employees, providing training courses within and outside the company, as well as facilities to supplement or complement their studies if they so wish.
Similarly, it is active in promoting the work-life balance, studying each individual case in order to meet the needs of workers.