1. ¿Cómo puedo comprar?
Para comprar es necesario que añadas cada uno de los productos que desees en "el carrito". Para realizar el pago, es muy importante que selecciones la modalidad de pago que más te interese. Después debes hacer click en el botón "Continuar pedido". Debes de rellenar tus datos, si te has registrado anteriormente o rellenar tus datos si eres nuevo. Si los datos del comprador son diferentes a los de envío, desmarca la opción de "Comprador y destinatario son la misma persona" y rellena los datos donde desees que se envíe el pedido. Si eliges pagar con tarjeta de crédito, la información sobre el pago será enviada mediante un avanzado sistema de encriptación que garantizará la confidencialidad de la operación. Si eliges pagar con transferencia, en el email del pedido te indicaremos que debes de realizar el pago al número de cuenta y enviarnos el justificante por email a info@grupotatoma.com o por fax al número 974 400 670 Si eliges pagar con Contra-reembolso se sumaran al total del pedido los portes de gastos de envío. Si eliges PayPal, el pago lo realizaras sobre la zona segura de PayPal, lo que garantiza la confidencialidad de la operación. Si tienes dudas, consúltanos por el teléfono 974 401 336 o por el email info@grupotatoma.com.
Para realizar el seguimiento de tus pedidos, debes de pulsar en la opción de Acceder a la zona privada y rellenar tu email y contraseña, que rellenaste al darte de alta en Grupo Tatoma. Si no recuerdas tus datos, haz clic en Acceder a la zona privada , pulsa en ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña? y rellena tu email. Automáticamente, te enviaremos un email con tus datos y dirección para poder acceder a tu panel y hacer un seguimiento de tus pedidos. Si tienes alguna duda, llámanos al teléfono 974 401 336 o envíanos un email a info@grupotatoma.com.
Para realizar una devolución debes de ponerte en contacto nosotros. Necesitarás el ticket de compra y el embalaje original del pedido en perfecto estado. La garantía cubre todos los materiales con defecto de fabricación, NO así y quedan exclusivos la manipulación o utilización indebida del material por el usuario. La garantía cubre un periodo de 2 años desde la fecha del pedido
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  • Grupo tatoma
Grupo Tatoma informs that this privacy policy applies to personal data. Thus, all personal data will be treated according to Law 15/1999, December 13, Protection of Personal Data and saved appropriate measures of security and confidentiality.

The visit of www.grupotatoma.com website does not imply that the user must provide any information concerning its identity and is completely anonymous. In no case can be associated to a specific user. In the event that supplied personal data, this data will be collected and used in accordance with the limitations and rights under the law called before. Users who provide personal data in a clear, precise and unambiguous consent to the present conditions.

1. 1. Data collection.

The collection of personal data shall be made exclusively through the published forms on the web and e-mails that users can refer to Grupo Tatoma to be included in a database.

The files owned by company name are included in the General Register of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, which the user can access to check the status of them. They will be located in the Apdo. de Correos nº 15. 22400 Monzón (Huesca-Spain)

Grupo Tatoma will keep this data when the relation between the company and the user finish in order to the legal obligations required. In turn, the company will proceed to the cancellation of the data collected when no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

2. Information Security

Grupo Tatoma has developed all the systems and technical and organizational measures within its power, under legislation protecting personal data to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided by the user or visitor.

However, the user or visitor should be aware that Internet security measures are not foolproof.

3. Confidentiality and professional secrecy

Private communications between staff could be the Grupo Tatoma and the users or visitors will be treated as confidential. Access to this information is restricted by technological tools and by strict internal controls.

4. Links to other websites

This website may contain links to other sites. It is reported that Grupo Tatoma does not have any control nor bears any responsibility for the policies or measures to protect data from other websites.

5. Users' rights

The user can make modifications respect to the data collected the rights recognized by Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and in particular the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, if applicable, and the right to withdraw consent for the transfer of your data.

The rights of cancellation, opposition and revocation of consent to the assignment may be made by the user, and if her representative, by written request to the following email address: info@grupotatoma.com. You can make it too, sending by post your request signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card to the address of Grupo Tatoma located in Apdo. de Correos nº 15. 22400 Monzón (Huesca-Spain)

Grupo Tatoma informs that personal data collected, when they are no necessary or relevant for the purpose for which it was collected, will be canceled as provided for by law for the protection of personal data.


In the event that Grupo Tatoma have forms, user identification is complete, since it is the user himself to voluntarily enter their data into our forms.

The information provided by the user will be used by Grupo Tatoma only for the purposes which are reported in each case. Each one of our forms includes a specific privacy clause by which the user voluntarily give consent to the automatic processing of data.

Grupo Tatoma will be the entity responsible for the file generated with the personal data supplied by users of your website on the forms.

According to law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Grupo Tatoma is committed to fulfilling its obligation of confidentiality with respect to personal data and the duty to treat them with confidentiality. To this end, shall take the necessary measures to prevent tampering, loss, or unauthorized access.

These data can be used in order to answer your questions and send information may be of your interest.

The user listed in our database at any time may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by written request to the following email address: info@grupotatoma.com. You can make it too, sending by post your request signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card to the address of Grupo Tatoma located Apdo. de Correos nº 15. 22400 Monzón (Huesca-Spain).

If you wish to clarify some aspect of politics of Grupo Tatoma, in relation to visitors to our site, please contact us thorough the following email address: info@grupotatoma.com